
What are the benefits of babywearing?

Carried Babies are Happier

Babywearing 3 hours a day

  • Lessens crying by 43% overall and 54% in the evening
  • Aids good digestion, helps ease colic and reflux
  • Reduces the stress hormones in the baby
  • Gives you a far more relaxed, calmer and happier baby


Carried Babies Learn More and are Smarter

Carried babies spend their time in quiet alertness creating the optimal state of learning, resulting in enhanced visual and auditory alertness and speech development. Babywearing helps the baby’s developing brain make the right connections. Promotes early language development. Babies learn by watching faces, and babywearing puts your little one at the perfect height.

Secure Attachment

Babywearing enables the mother to be acutely aware of her baby’s cues. When a baby’s needs are met for the first 18 months of the baby’s life they form a blueprint for strong and secure children and their adult behavior of compassion, resilience and forming healthy relationships. It also helps as the baby can hear your heartbeat and it calms them down immensely as it resembles the feeling they got when they were in your womb.

Carried babies Sleep Better

Frequently carried babies fall asleep quickly and will usually sleep deeper and for longer periods of time.

Babywearing is healthy for the baby

Decreases risk of SIDS and flat-head syndrome, while promoting neural development, respiratory and gastrointestinal health, and aiding in balance.

Babywearing is Convenient

Three Words: TWO FREE HANDS!!! Multitasking while having your baby close and secure is now possible


Babywearing is Healthier for You and your Baby

Wearing your baby burns up to 300 calories a day! A brisk 10 minute walk will shed about 100 calories. Your baby when worn provides as much ‘resistance’ as a pair of hand weights. It improves your as well as your baby’s core muscles and posture. You can also comfortably wear your baby for far longer than you could carry your baby loose in your arms. When you wear your baby the weight of the baby gets evenly distributed and hence does not put unnecessary stress on your hips back shoulders or arms. Infact many parents who previously had back problems have noticed that using a carrier significantly reduced their symptoms.


Decrease the occurrence of postnatal depression

Many sources quote that one in ten women suffer from postnatal depression. Babywearing aids mother & baby relationship by forming a secure attachment and giving the mother and the baby a sense of closeness. Reduces stress in mothers as they feel positive and calm while babywearing and it also helps reduce anxiety. Since the mother is able to respond immediately to her baby’s cues, the baby cries less, is calmer and settles in easier; Happy Baby Happy Mommy! Mothers achieve a sense of freedom thanks to babywearing as they can tend to their own needs while still being close to the baby. Helps mommy socialise more, babywearing mothers all over the world really do come together to help and support one another.


Boosts Breastfeeding

Mothers who routinely babywear are twice as likely to breastfeed. Breastfeeding mothers who practice baby wearing find it easy to nurse their babies more often. This may help babies gain more weight. The shorter the time between feedings the higher the fat content in the mother’s milk. By wearing your baby, as a mother you can easily respond to their early feeding cues.


What is an ergonomic baby carrier?

A carrier that allows you to carry your baby in the most natural way by supporting their bottom, is an ergonomic carrier. Anmol Baby carriers are ergonomic and allow for healthy hip development in your baby. This is known as the ‘M’ position formed by the knees being higher than the bottom while seated in a carrier, the legs supported all the way to the knees while making sure the legs are flexed easily at the knees and not splayed.


What is an ergonomic baby carrier?

A carrier that allows you to carry your baby in the most natural way by supporting their bottom, is an ergonomic carrier. Anmol Baby carriers are ergonomic and allow for healthy hip development in your baby. This is known as the ‘M’ position formed by the knees being higher than the bottom while seated in a carrier, the legs supported all the way to the knees while making sure the legs are flexed easily at the knees and not splayed.


Can I breastfeed while babywearing?

A carrier that allows you to carry your baby in the most natural way by supporting their bottom, is an ergonomic carrier. Anmol Baby carriers are ergonomic and allow for healthy hip development in your baby. This is known as the ‘M’ position formed by the knees being higher than the bottom while seated in a carrier, the legs supported all the way to the knees while making sure the legs are flexed easily at the knees and not splayed.



This would ideally depend on you and your babies comfort level. However we highly recommend you to back carry (especially in an SSC) only when your baby is able to sit unsupported and can control their neck movements on their own which may be anytime between 6 – 8 months.



T.I.C.K.S. Rule while Babywearing

Keep your baby close and keep your baby safe. While wearing your baby don’t forget the T.I.C.K.S.

                T  =  Tight

                I  =  In view at all times

                C  =  Close enough to kiss

                K  =  Keep chin off the chest

                S  = Supported back

TIGHT –  your carriershould be tight enough to hug your baby close to you as this will be most comfortable for both of you. Any slack or loose fabric will allow your baby to slump down in the carrier which can hinder their breathing and pull on your back.

IN VIEW AT ALL TIMES – you should always be able to see your baby’s face by simply glancing down. The fabric of the carrier should not close around them so you have to open it to check on them.

CLOSE ENOUGH TO KISS – your baby’s head should be as close to your chin as is comfortable. By tipping your head forward you should be able to kiss your baby on the head or forehead.

KEEP CHIN OFF THE CHEST – a baby should never be curled so their chin is forced onto their chest as this can restrict their breathing. Ensure there is always a space of at least 2 fingers width under your baby’s chin.

SUPPORTED BACK – in an upright carry a baby should be held comfortably close to the wearer so that their back is supported in its natural position and their tummy and chest are against you. If the carrier is too loose they can slump which can partially close their airway. (This can be tested by placing a hand on your baby’s back and pressing gently - they should not uncurl or move closer to you.)



We have an array of different types of carriers to suit your needs and budget.

Anmol Wrap Hybrid: Our hybrid wraps are super supportive and extremely lightweight. The perfect babyshower gift as the Anmol Hybrid Wrap is perfect for newborns and can be used up until toddlerhood (15kgs). With the Anmol hybrid wrap you will get to experience the snugness of a stretchy and the support of a woven all at the same time. An amazingly soft wrap that is super supportive and has a little bit of stretch to it as well. The stretch makes the Anmol hybrid wrap easy to use and the support means you can use it for a lot longer than an ordinary stretchy wrap.

Anmol Handwoven Wrap: The Anmol Handwovens are made with high quality organic cotton, dyed with safe baby dyes, woven to a gsm of 250. These Wraps are hand woven in India with love, with its natural nubs and slubs typical of handwoven fabrics. This fabric has been woven with no child labor at any stage, to encourage the dying art of hand-weaving in India. The Anmol Handwoven Wrap comes in 5 sizes so whether you are using a long wrap for multi-layer carries or shorter wraps for quick ups and downs, our handwoven wraps offer the most versatility of any baby carrier. The Anmol Handwoven Wraps are completely customizable because you can tie them in a wide variety of ways, which helps create the perfect fit for you and your baby.  Newborns and toddlers alike (upto 20kgs) can fit comfortably in a woven wrap.  

Anmol Ergonomic Soft Structured Carrier: Anmol SSCs are available in two sizes ‘Baby’ and ‘Toddler’ and in a variety of handwoven/ handprinted options, making them both useful and stylish! Some of the fabrics used have been made especially to adorn this carrier keeping in mind the need for beauty and strength and safety of fabrics and dyes used. The canvas is Okeo tex certified and has several options of handwoven/handprinted as far as possible, to encourage the beauty of the Indian hanwoven/handworked textile industry.  The Anmol Ergonomic Soft Structure Carrier is the easiest to learn how to use with an extremely small learning curve. Anmol is proud to meet safety standards and norms, and is a business member of the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA). Each carrier is handmade, using the highest quality fabrics and world best buckles (Duraflex brand, especially meant for babycarriers) ensuring the best for your precious one. Because we understand that not everyone has the same needs we have 4 different types of SSCs available namely:

The Anmol Basic SSC: A no frills, solid coloured, machine woven canvas carrier with handwoven accents.

The Canvas SSC: This has a centre panel of handwoven or handworked fabric on it.

The Wrap Semi Converted SSC: This has a centre panel of handwoven or handworked fabric on it with fabric that has been especially woven or created for babywearing, colours and pattersdesigned by our founder Rashmee herself and woven by Master Craftsmen from across India.

The Wrap Half Converted SSC: This has the entire front portion of the carrier which includes the wais belt and shoulder belts in  handwoven fabric on it that has been especially woven or created for babywearing, colours and patters designed by our founder Rashmee herself and woven by Master Craftsmen from across India. Backed by canvas on the other side

Option are available in both Standard as well as Toddler size.

Anmol Wrap Converted Ring Sling: The Anmol Wrap Converted Ring Slings are handmade from our gorgeous woven wraps. Our wraps are made from high quality organic cotton and natural fibres, dyed with baby safe dyes, woven to a gsm of 200 - 250. The wraps are hand woven in India with love, with its natural nubs and slubs typical of hand-woven fabrics. This fabric has been woven with no child labor at any stage, to encourage the dying art of hand-weaving in India.  The Wrap Converted Ring Slings have been specially stitched with love by a group of women trained by ASDT. Anmol Wrap Converted Ring Slings are easy to use, good for quick ups and downs and are perfect for newborns until toddlerhood and beyond (15-20kgs). The Anmol Wrap Converted Ring Slings are available in two different styles, namely:

Pleated Shoulders: Extremely easy to use. Perfect for beginners and especially nice for those with narrow shoulders as it does not particularly cup the shoulder.

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