
6 Ways Having Kids Completely Changes Valentine’s Day

By Rashmee Gajra

Kids Completely Changes Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is all about love, appreciation, and alone time. As February is the month of love, it’s the perfect time to showcase your love to your better half. But does having kids somehow change the concept of Valentine’s Day? It definitely does. After kids, the world around us changes drastically. The special dates, late-night drives, sudden dinner dates, and everything that used to be common things, changes. But it doesn’t always mean that having kids make life worse. It’s absolutely not the thing. Yes, it does make you more responsible and practical, but the fun still remains the same. The bond between couples gets stronger when a newborn comes into the family. Valentine’s Day also changes, as previously you used to look for gifts for your partner and now you look for the best newborn sling wrap online. 

Here’s a quick glance at 6 certain ways that change Valentine’s Day after having kids      

Dressing up for the special day:

Before marriage, it was all about anticipation. “Am I going to look good today?” – This was the one question every man/woman would ask him/herself before going on a special date. Even after marriage, the dates would still mean something, where couples would go to a fancy restaurant or even a long drive, wearing stunning dresses, proper makeup, and everything. But a kid changes everything. Valentine’s Day dates after kids are more about stretch pants, comfortable hoodies, and watching your favorite shows together. It’s all about finding solace in each other. 

Gift for your dear one: 

What used to make this day a special one was a thoughtful gift from your special one. A beautifully written card, with a box of assorted chocolates or expensive jewelry or even a stuffed toy, everything used to be so thoughtful and special. But after kids, the thoughtful gifts turn into baby gifts mostly. You either look for the best newborn sling wrap online or the best infant backpack carrier online. Sometimes cupcakes or ice cream or lunch is ordered from a restaurant, so you don’t need to cook one day. Maybe the gifting ideas change after a kid comes into your life, but the love and affection still remain the same.      

Pre-Planned Dinner Dates:

Valentine’s dinner plans have always been very special. You select a fine to dine with a cozy ambiance, dimmed lights, continental food, two glasses of good wine, and everything that makes the day a little bit more special than usual. You have your dinner, hold hands, and see each other and all smiling. It’s a beautiful picturesque date. But after you start a family, the food becomes the first priority. You order a large-sized pizza which you both eat till you’re completely full. You look at each other while eating and suddenly burst out laughing. The dates still remain special but it’s more fun and a lot more comfortable than before.   

Spending Alone Time with Each Other:

Valentine’s Days are not complete without a precious alone time with your dear one. It can be a quiet riverside, or the corner of your flat, sipping on coffees. You talk to each other and share a few laughs. After having kids it’s always about new gossip, binge-watching shows together, and spending time with the baby. You do spend some time with each other but it is all about the comfort and the sense of relief.    

The Concept of Love and Affection: 

The definition of love is simple, but the idea of showcasing love to your partner keeps on changing with time and how the relationship grows. The romance that was a need in the earlier days, becomes a touch of comfort and affection after getting married and having a child. In the initial days, it’s all about the romance and how you treat this relationship as something coming out of a storybook. But with time, you understand that love has never been about that. It’s the comfort, the solace you find in each other. These sleepless nights, the craziness, the silence, the rage, long hugs, late-night ice creams, and looking for the best newborn sling wrap online for your baby together, the romance may have faded away with time, but the love! It will always remain the same.    

Emotions and the female body:

Before marriage, the emotional bonding between couples is always extremely sensitive and passionate. As the relationship grows, the bond becomes stronger than ever. After kids, the female body also changes drastically. Stretch marks, belly fat, wrinkles, all are a part of that transformation. Backless gorgeous dresses transform into comfy hoodies, sleeveless gowns transform into long sleeve oversized t-shirts. Though you try everything to cover every inch of your body, with your partner by your side, everything still remains the same. It makes you believe that love has never been about the body or the look. A child makes the bond stronger and lets you appreciate the small details that you find in each other. 

Valentine’s Day does change after having kids but it doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing. Maybe the ways have changed, but love and affection still remain the same. 

So this Valentine’s Day, gift your kid, a high-quality baby carrier from Anmol Baby and celebrate the day of love together.

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